Virtue Education – The daily lessons inherently cultivate the virtues of temperance, prudence, justice and fortitude as a means of discovering a deeper truth. Virtue is the foundation for all knowledge prompting the learner to strive for wisdom. This is why our vision reads, “A Heritage of Virtue, Wisdom, and Knowledge.” The most important part of our school is the focus on a child’s character in partnership with their parents. Ongoing virtue surveys and teacher feedback provide accountability for this portion of the students’ education.


PBIS - Virtues in Practice
PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. It is a school-wide system to promote positive behavior and create an environment in which ALL students can learn. At TPS, we call that, “Virtues in Practice”.

Our School-Wide Expectations (Virtues In Practice or VIP)
Positive behavior aligns with our virtue centric curriculum and culture. At Temecula Preparatory School, daily lessons inherently cultivate the virtues of temperance, prudence, justice and fortitude as a means of discovering a deeper truth. Virtue is the foundation for all knowledge prompting the learner to strive for wisdom. This is why our vision reads, “A Heritage of Virtue, Wisdom, and Knowledge.” The most important part of our school is the focus on a child’s character in partnership with their parents. The interventions and supports we have in place foster an environment where all students can be VIPs.
Our hope is that parents will discuss our school-wide behavior expectations with their children and remind them to be a VIP at school and at home!

One of the elements in place to help support the idea of students doing the right thing at the right time on campus is the VIP Rewards Program. The rewards program is an opportunity for students to earn vouchers from any staff member on campus who witnesses positive behavior. Students can turn in however many vouchers they earn each month to select a reward.
Earning Our Gold Implementation Award:
The Virtues in Practice framework at TPS began to be built and implemented in 2018 as a way to improve school culture and focus on teaching our students to embody Justice, Temperance, Prudence, and Fortitude in their daily lives. As a result of the hard work employed by all of our students and staff over the last five years we have been recognized by the state of California with the Gold Implementation Award. This places TPS at the forefront of schools in the area.
In order to earn the gold award a team of staff partnered with officials at RCOE and underwent a rigorous evaluation process. County officials toured our school and spoke with students and staff at random and were very impressed with our campus. Evidence of our program was then submitted to the state. Earning the Gold Award on our first time applying is a huge accomplishment. This is an honor not only for our V.I.P. team but our entire school community. We are all V.I.P.’s!!!

For general information regarding PBIS, please visit:
For PBIS interventions you can try at home, please visit: